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International company from the energy industry certificates SCHAAF

Internationales Unternehmen der Energiebranche zertifiziert SCHAAF

The company SCHAAF GmbH & Co. KG from Erkelenz has been audited, certified and awarded by the worldwide operating company Alstom. The responsible Alstom staff could assure itself on-site of the high quality standards of the company SCHAAF, the high-tech products, the sophisticated company philosophy and the optimised work processes.

Just as for other international big corporations, SCHAAF has constructed and manufactured optimised products according to customer-specific requirements: among others, it was about Multiple Stud Nuts (MSN), hydraulic systems, tools and their components. The Hydraulic High Pressure Technology of SCHAAF is successfully used by Alstom in generators and turbines for large-dimensioned power plants.

The certificate is a renowned award for SCHAAF, which confirms the achieved quality standards in the company and, which is to be concerned as a reference!

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